BAUER group:
Bauer Holzplatzberegnung
Optimum quality of timber for years

Bauer TimberRain

The most recent extreme weather events and their effects have brought the topic of "timber storage" back into the focus of attention again. Storm damage, for example, produces large quantities of wood that have to be stored professionally for years to come.

It must be ensured that the wood quality does not suffer any damage. Extensive expertise and the right equipment is required.

Beautiful shot of a forest with tall green trees - great for a background
Decades of expertise

At close range

In recent years and months, we at Bauer have dealt intensively with the topic of wood irrigation. On the one hand we are based in Voitsberg, in Austria's most densely forested state and we are familiar with the problems of forestry companies and sawmills. On the other hand, we are irrigation specialists and predestined for this topic. Proper sprinkling is considered one of the safest methods of preserving wood for years. So why not use our expertise and decades of experience in irrigation technology, in order to offer our customers a tailor-made solution for their wood yard irrigation?

Twin 101 Ultra 24
All that it needs

With us you are on the safe side

In any case, our product portfolio includes all the components that are needed for professional wood irrigation.

With our expertise, we put the equipment together and supplement it with the necessary add-ons so that it is perfectly tailored to the requirements of our customers. Our customers can be assured that their wood stock is stored safely and will retain its quality over years.

stacks of logs in the lumber yard
Effectively preserved

Why wet storage?

Constant, proper sprinkling of water is considered one of the most effective methods of preserving wood without the loss of quality. The maximum storage period depends on the type of wood. For softwood, it is up to 5 years.

With proper sprinkling, the pores of the logs fill up and oxygen cannot enter anymore. Bark beetles and other insects or fungi no longer have a chance of damaging the wood.

Wet storage also protects the wood from drying out and prevents the damage associated with it.

Bauer Holzplatzberegnung
Properly stored

Requirements for safe storage

  • Camp site with sufficient water supply
  • For safe storage you need a sprinkling rate of at least 1l/sec for 1,000 m³ of round timber. That is 3.6 m³ of water for 1,000 m³ of round wood/hour.
  • Rapid start of sprinkling (at the latest 2 weeks after work-up)
Bauer Holzplatzberegnung Planung
Designed by experts

Detailed planning

Optimal wood irrigation requires detailed planning. A number of factors determine the success of the preservation:

Is it softwood or hardwood? With or without bark? How long is the expected storage period? Does the campsite have adequate water and electricity supplies? Have the necessary permits been obtained? Is a fixed, underground system the ideal solution for the operation, or does a variable, above ground installation make more sense?


IYour individual timber yard irrigation consists of the following components:

  • Automatically controlled pumping system
  • Supply lines: either HK pipes or PE pipes, permanently laid underground or variably laid above ground
  • Sprinkler: Large area sprinkler SR101 or small sprinkler SB82
  • Appropriate control units with the ability to switch sections including timer valves, solenoid valves and other accessories.

Contact us!

We at Bauer will accompany you on your way to efficient and safe irrigation of your timber yard.

Questions about the TimberRain?



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